At Home Facial Steaming 101: The Benefits and Tips & Tricks


My favorite part of getting a facial just may be the steam. I love how luxurious, relaxing, and nourishing the stream feels on my skin. Steaming can also greatly benefit your skin in the long run. Unfortunately, facials are not cheap, but the good news is steaming can be done right in the comfort of your home!

***Note: If you have any skin ailments such as rosacea or eczema, please talk to your dermatologist/esthetician/doctor before doing an at-home facial steaming session.

What are the benefits of facial steaming? 

  • unclogs pores

  • removes toxins and acne-causing bacteria

  • improves product absorption

  • enhances circulations

  • hydrates and moisturizes

  • promotes relaxation

How to do an at home facial steam

  1. Clean your face with a gentle cleanser. Pat dry

  2. Place your facial steamer on a table or counter and read the instructions provided. If you don’t have a facial steamer, Amazon has a ton to choose from.

  3. Choose your base and fill your facial steamer with water as directed in the instructions. The most common base is distilled water, but you can steam with essential oil-infused water or tea if your steamer allows. If you’re steamer doesn’t allow for this, just use distilled water, or you can steam your face using a bowl in place of a steaming device

    • Recommended Essential Oils (add 3-5 drops of your preferred blend)

      • Lavender: relaxing, anti-inflammatory, soothes skin, reduces bacteria

      • Tea Tree: antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, cleansing, clears acne

      • Eucalyptus: cooling, clears sinuses, combats stress, promotes healing, relieves headaches

      • Orange: uplifts, reduces stress and anxiety, anti-fungal, reduces bacteria

      • Rose: hydrates, clears acne, reduce signs of aging, minimizes the appearance of scars

      • Calendula: anti-inflammatory, moisturizes, reduces signs of aging, fights acne

      • Geranium: clears acne, promotes healing, moisturizes, unclogs pores

    • Recommended Teas (steep tea in boiling water, allow to cool, and use in place of plain water in your facial steamer)

      • Chamomile: reduces breakouts, reduces redness, promotes healing, reduces inflammation

      • Green Tea: treats acnes, reduces redness and irritation, fights aging, moisturizes skin

      • Mint Tea: clears sinuses, relieves headaches, lowers secretion of oils, reduces breakouts

  4. Turn on your steamer and place your face about 10 inches away from steamer. Ensure your hair is pulled away from your face and jewelry is removed.

  5. Grab a towel and place it over your head, covering you and your steamer. You want to create a tent to entrap the steam

  6. Close your eyes and steam for 10-15 minutes max, taking a 1 minute break every 3-5 minutes.

    • Optional Step: During your steam, you can massage your face with a jade roller or gua sha tool to help tighten and tone your skin, and promote blood circulation and skin elasticity

  7. After steaming, rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry, and follow-up with a mask (optional), serum(s) of choice, toner and moisturizer. Steaming improves product absorption, so the effects of your skin care products will be enhanced.

And you’re done! Remember, steaming shouldn’t be done everyday. Please follow this routine once a week at most, as steaming too often can cause harm to the skin.

Happy Steaming!

- Riss ❤️