What's poppin?

Thanks for checking out rissywoo.com!

My name is Marissa, but feel free to call me Rissy or Riss. I created this blog as a creative outlet a year after graduating from Temple University and starting my career in digital media in NYC. I’ve always dibbled and dabbled in a lot of different things. Housing all of my hobbies on a blog was my way of tying it all together.

Here you'll find my lifestyle, makeup, and skin care tips. I'll even put you on to some of my favorite tunes ;)

My main goal is to provide honest and unfiltered product recommendations and tips. As a black woman, I really want to be an outlet for those who look like me to find products and techniques that work for them without the fear of being misled. When you come to my blog, I want it to feel comforting…like home.


- Riss <3